
World Hosting Day

1 April 2014

Siobhan Hancock

Well what can I say?? It’s the first day of the WHD and both myself, Nina and Lee are having a fantastic time!

The sun is shining! Germany, or more specifically Rust in Germany is beautiful. Europa Park is a very pretty place to be and we are enjoying the hot weather whilst talking to some FANTASTIC companies. World Hosting Day puts on great food, great entertainment and great company!

I will be tweeting as the conference goes on, as there is a lot to talk about.  For now all I need to say if you are anything to do with web hosting, web development or the web as a whole, you need to be here! Check out our twitter feed by following @34SP @34SPSiobhan or #WHD the official hashtag for World Hosting Day at Europa Park, Germany 2014!

