
SSL is easier, simpler and cheaper in 2017

27 January 2017


This month sees the completion of our ongoing project to revamp our SSL services for our managed hosting customers. Beginning back in 2016 our goal was:

  • to simplify what can be a confusing array of options and configurations
  • to streamline the SSL installation process
  • to make SSL renewal simple and seamless
  • to lower the costs as far as possible and allow everyone to secure their sites

Our SSL updates completed this week fulfill those four goals and moving forward we will offer just two simple SSL options to all managed customers:

  • 100% free Let’s Encrypt certificates
  • paid EV (Extended Validation) certificates issued by Comodo

SSL will now only be provisioned to websites hosted and managed by In order to ensure we can reliably manage, automate and secure our SSL processes, we will longer sell SSL certificates to be used externally to, nor to those sites we don’t directly manage.

If you have a current SSL certificate in use externally, you simply won’t be able to renew that with us when the time comes. The certificate will naturally lapse once its existing paid time ends.

For managed clients, if you have an existing OV/DV Globalsign certificate with us, as it comes to lapse, we will automatically replace that with a Let’s Encrypt certificate for you for free.

Finally, if you run a business and need validated SSL to give your clients extra confidence, we will be dropping the price of EV SSL from £350 per year to just £150 per year. The massive price reduction should hopefully make EV SSL a far more viable option for more businesses to adopt.

For users of non managed hosting such as VPS and dedicated, you will need to acquire your SSL certificates from a suitable third party. As ever, if you need hands on help with your server, our systems admin team are available at a rate of £15/15 minutes (in office hours).



Hi! I am the the co-founder of and Business Development Director; I've been at this hosting lark for more than twenty two years, ulp.. I oversee multiple areas of our business to ensure products and services are meeting our customer's needs. You can get in touch over on LinkedIn or replying to any of most posts. In my spare time I am exceptionally interested in food and drink, I run several food website and am a multi-award winning, food and drink writer.