Complaints Procedure

At we pride ourselves on exceptional service and support. We are human though, and very infrequently we make mistakes like everyone else. If you are affected by such a mistake, we have a clear process for raising the issue and seeking a resolution.

We ask that you send an email to with subject ‘Complaint resolution’. In the body of your email please detail the nature of the fault and any items that you feel are relevant (including associated support ticket references). We will confirm receipt of your email as soon as it hits our ticketing system. From there we will do our utmost to review and respond to your case as quickly as possible. Sometimes this can take several days depending on the technical complexities of the fault and/or availability of staff who were involved in the case.

We cannot accept formal complaints over the phone. All complaints must be submitted via our email ticketing system for accurate tracking and resolution.



To ensure we excel at support we’re also constantly assessing our performance. Every single support case (email) ends with a chance for the client to leave a comment on how the case was handled. Every piece of feedback is reviewed by our company directors and should it be less than satisfactory, is personally followed up by a company director too.