
Help staff raise money for Shelter – 24 Hour Game-a-thon

2 August 2016

Siobhan Hancock

Last year staff members teamed up to raise money for Unicef, in aid of the Syria crisis.

As a team they arranged their very first fundraiser, which proved to be a big hit raising over £1,200 for Unicef. They hosted a 24 hour non stop Game-a-thon, pairing up to live stream and play games such as Super Meat Boy, Jetpack Spectrum and Resident Evil. They love gaming and love to help people too, which is why they will be doing it all again this year and hosting a 2016 game-a-thon fundraiser in aid of the UK based charity Shelter.


Why staff chose Shelter

Being based in Manchester, UK; staff see first hand Britain’s homeless crisis. According to studies, homelessness in our city grew by 50% in 2015 and it is hard to miss. WordPress Specialist – Kayleigh Thorpe says;

It’s sad to see the growth of the homeless population in Manchester and truth be told those figures do not shock me. This year it was important to us to choose a charity that aligns with our goals, close to home. Shelter is a long standing, well respected charity; helping millions of homeless people and people stuck in bad housing every year. We look forward to contributing what we can as every little helps.

This year Shelter are celebrating their 50th birthday and with the current economy donations are needed  more than ever. are proud to Support our staff with their fundraiser. They will be streaming the live feed commencing 7pm on Friday the 19th of August at the following URL:

If you would like to donate please visit their Just Giving page