If you’ve been following our blog posts over the past few months, you’ve seen us launch a myriad of new domain name extensions. As of this post we now offer more than 200 different domain name extensions – and expect to grow this even more over the next year. You can see the exhaustive list of domain names we offer on our price page.
In order to get to grips with this massive selection we’ve now launched a new and improved domain search tool. You can start using this right away at www.34sp.com/domain-names.
The new domain tool aims to make domain discovery simpler, quicker and more relevant. Based on the terms you enter in the search box, the tool will suggest different domain name extensions that could be a good fit and that you might not be aware of. The search tool will suggest domain options in small batches, just hit “load more” to see other choices.
Note, several of the new domain registries charge a premium for certain selections (usually smaller domains), if a domain name is listed premium, we will need to liaise with the registry to confirm the price directly for you.
As we see more search data flow throw the new too, we will also be refining and improving the engine that drives the domain search results – so expect to see domain suggestions improve over time as well.