
Did you know – free hosting for UK charities

5 March 2019


Did you know that if you’re a UK charity, we might be able to host your website completely free of charge?

We don’t often shout about this aspect of our business; it’s something we prefer to quietly get on with. From time to time though, we do think it’s important that we let our clients know about this program. After all, your decision to use means we’re able to empower more than 400 UK charities (you can see the full list here). A portion of the money you spend every month is directly helping these causes on a daily basis.

Free web hosting doesn’t sound like the most thrilling thing in the world, but at the time of writing we’ve donated the equivalent of £48,000 worth of free hosting to UK based charities over the past twelve months. Moreover, the recorded lifetime donations of the program recently topped £220,000.

That’s £220,000 worth of funding effectively freed up for UK charities to spend elsewhere; to make real differences in their local communities. Charities often have some of the most committed, smartest and creative people around as well. A pound saved here might actually mean an order of magnitude more in spending power over there.

We’re passionate about the supporting these charities, hopefully you are too; maybe you even know someone who needs a helping hand – or hosting account for that matter!

How to qualify for free UK charity hosting

First, head over to our free web hosting for charities page. Check out the info there and then get in touch. All we need is your registered UK charity number and we can take things from there. Please note we can only create one free charity hosting account per unique charity number.

Common questions about our charity hosting

What type of hosting will my charity receive?

We will provide the entry level plan of any account type that makes sense for your charity, be that a Professional plan, WordPress or Universal.

Do I receive slower or worse support?

Not at all. We treat our charity clients exactly the same as our paid clients. Indeed, if you contact us about a technical issue, our staff might not even notice or look up the details on the payment status of your account. You have an active account, you get the same world-class support as any other client.

What happens at the end of my first year?

Our billing system will add a renewal fee to your account like any other. At that time you just get in touch with our support team. If everything looks good, we will renew your account for a further year. We do this mainly as a check that the charity is still active.

Is it free for life, will you be around next year?

We’re asked this a lot as quite a few hosting companies only provide the account free for a year, you might need to pay down the line. We can’t promise what the future holds, but we can say we don’t view the plan as a promotional or sales tool. We run the program under the intent of offering free hosting to genuinely give back and support communities. As long as we’re financially able to support the effort through the help of our client base, the program remains free.

Should I share info, how many charities can you host for free?

Another popular question, people worry that if they refer new charities to us, we might not have room for them. We operate with a rough limit of 10% of our total hosting capacity assigned for charitable usage. At the time of writing usage levels are at 5-7%, varying by plan type. We’ve plenty of capacity to help many more good causes; and of course as we grow as a company, so does that capacity.

What if I’m not a registered UK charity?

At this time we’re unable to assist. We set this minimum threshold of qualification to offer a fair, unbiased way to deliver the resources.



Hi! I am the the co-founder of and Business Development Director; I've been at this hosting lark for more than twenty two years, ulp.. I oversee multiple areas of our business to ensure products and services are meeting our customer's needs. You can get in touch over on LinkedIn or replying to any of most posts. In my spare time I am exceptionally interested in food and drink, I run several food website and am a multi-award winning, food and drink writer.