We’ve advertised on our blog and elsewhere recently for two job openings here at 34SP.com, one advanced support role and one part time customer support role. We’re delighted to report that we have finally found the right people to fill those positions and they’ve now started their jobs with us. As part of our commitment to providing excellent support, whether you have a single business hosting account or an array of dedicated servers, we always strive to ensure that we have enough great staff to respond in good time with good answers no matter what the question or problem. With Jonny and Andy, we’re sure that we’ve added more great staff to our outstanding support team.
Jonny has joined us in the part time customer support role. Some of you may have communicated with him already, but if not there’s every chance he’ll be the one answering your queries over the weekend or at time during the week. Jonny brings a wealth of experience of customer support from all over the world and we all look forward to working with him.
Andy will be dealing with more advanced support queries plus vps web hosting and also dedicated hosting questions. Andy joins us after working at a lot of places, including some of our suppliers and competitors. He’ll be helping Tom and Ian out with the trickier questions you manage to put to our support team, and with his industry experience has been able to get to work right away.
You’ll soon be able to read a little bit about them on our team page and are more than welcome to pop in and say hello in our IRC channel or if you see their name at the bottom of an email next time you’re in touch!